special dates


15 Days- Vipassana - Meditation-Retreat From 01.05.2025 to 15.05.2025

Vipassana Meditation Jagdt

When does the course take place?                                                                                                         

From 01.05.2025 from 5.00 p.m. – 15.05.2025 11.00 a.m.

you will have the opportunity to take part in a Vipassana meditation course.

 You can come to meditate for a few days or use every 12 days to meditate.

All interested parties are invited, without and with meditation experience.

Where does the course take place?                                                                            

“Buddhayana e.V. – Vipassana Meditation Center” in Stadel 8, 86759 Waidhofen.

It is a beautiful house with very nice rooms, and optimal conditions for a meditation course.

Arrival is possible by car (approx. 4 hours from Mainz), organized in a group, or individually by car or possibly by train.

Overnight stays are possible in single rooms or double rooms.

What is the food like?

The catering is completely vegetarian/vegan.

Drinks include water, tea, cocoa, juices and coffee.

If you have any individual requests, please contact Andrea Jagdt record.

Special food intolerances are taken into account individually.

What is the cost of the meditation course? 

“Buddhayana e.V. is financed exclusively by voluntary donations (dāna) of the course participants and the community. The amount of the donations depends on the individual possibilities and financial circumstances of the individual. Everyone can contribute to keeping the business running and ensuring that there is an opportunity for meditation and further development in the Dhamma in the future.”

The accommodation, the food and the care by the meditation teacher are made possible entirely by the donations of the course participants.

 How does the course work?

 Daily routine

  • 4:00 Wake up, get up
  • Individual Vipassana meditation with breaks
  • 6:30-7:00 Breakfast
  • Individual Vipassana meditation with breaks
  • Daily meeting and private conversation with the

    Meditation teacher, where questions, difficulties

                 be discussed and further meditation exercises

                  can be learned.

  • 11:30 -12:00 Lunch
  • Individual Vipassana meditation with breaks
  • 17:30-18:00 Evening snack
  • Individual Vipassana meditation with breaks
  • 22:00 Bedtime

Course Rules


During the stay, the participants will endeavour to:

to be in “noble silence” and to observe the eight Buddhist precepts:

  1. I will abstain from killing.
  2. I will abstain from appropriating what has not been given to me.
  3. I want to abstain from any sexual behavior.
  4. I will refrain from telling untruths.
  5. I want to abstain from intoxicating drinks and drugs.
  6. I want to abstain from eating solid food after 12.00 noon
  7. I want to abstain from dancing, singing, wearing jewelry or cosmetics, and distracting myself with entertainment.
  8. I want to abstain from sleeping on sumptuous, luxurious beds.


What do you need to bring with you?

  • own bed linen (sheets, duvet cover, pillowcase),
  • possibly a warming blanket for meditation
  • own towels
  • comfortable, loose, light or white clothing
  • warm socks
  • Slippers
  • a sealable bottle for beverages
  • an alarm clock
  • if available, your own meditation seat cushion (but can also be borrowed)
  • if available, your own meditation timer (but can also be borrowed)
  • your necessary medication, your personal care products

For more information and registration you can contact me by mail or mobile.

I look forward to your participation.

Andrea Jagdt                                             Vipassana Insight Meditation                                                                             

Vipassana Meditation Teacher                 Phone: 0177-7170466   E-Mail: vipassana-meditation@jagdt.de   Web: www.vipassana-angsudhamm.edv-schwaerzel.de